Waverley Basketball Association
Most games are played at the Waverley Basketball Courts
Corner Batesford Road & Power Avenue
Chadstone, VIC 3148
Google Map
Stadiums Administration Office
Open Business Hours 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday
Phone: (03) 9807 9814
Fax: (03) 9807 6471
Stadiums Cashiers Booth
Open during competition
6.15pm – 10.30pm Sunday – Friday
8.00am – 7.00pm Saturday
Address: 2A Park Road, Oakleigh
Abbreviation: ORC
There is ample parking around the venue, which also contains a gym and swimming pool.
Please note that the reception and canteen facilities are managed by Oakleigh Recreation Centre
Please click here for a 3D walk through of the facility
Address: 8 Warner Ave, Ashburton VIC 3147
Abbreviation: ARC
The two court venue is within Ashburton Pool & Recreation Centre.
There is ample parking around the venue, which also contains a gym and swimming pool.
We use two courts ARC1 and ARC2, located through the main entrance and heading down the left side passage way past reception and the kiosk.
Address: 10 Fakenham Road, Ashburton
Abbreviation: ASB1
Currently not used during Winter 2022 season – WBA will hopefully return to this venue in term 4 (Summer ’22- ’23 season)
UPDATE – BEING USED ON SATURDAY 4th JUNE due to damaged backboard at ORC5
School car parks are available. Please note street parking is not allowed at this venue; patrons must park in either of the school car parks.
The Fakenham Road car park is out the front of the stadium, while the Carool Road car park is at the outdoor netball court, about two minutes’ walk to the gymnasium.